A New Year
A New Year's Dedication
I loved my initial venture on this blog when it was entitled "Sublime Solice." At that time, it was comprised mainly of photos that soothed my soul. During years of caregiving for my parents, I needed the transition I made to haikus, tankas, and cinquains. Their brevity sustained me through a time when only short bursts of creativity were available.A new track is beginning for 2023 - steeping myself in poetry. It is greatly inspired by the past few years' sojourns to see Emily
Dickinson's Homestead, Poe's museum in Richmond, the pilgrimage of Concord and Boston - Alcott, Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne - and the haunted "Afternoon on a Hill" with Edna St. Vincent Millay. It culminated with "I Heard the Bells" - a movie by Sight and Sound about Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and his journey to pen "Christmas Bells."
Now, inspired, I have a book entitled "Write the Poem." It gives a single word prompt a day that is to lead to a poem. Yesterday's post, "Heaven," was my first of this year-long series to come.