
My blogs were begun at a transitional time of life ~ while caregiving. It meant I only accessed them as I could, and I tried to fill them with beautiful images and happy travels during a time when both were in short supply.

Caregiving is done for now. It has been for two years ~ two years of sleep, reflection, and healing. Now, renewed, I'm ready to renew my love for the written word as well. Thoughts have begun to flow again, and this is a perfect outlet for poetry in motion.

A fellow Left Bank Writer's Retreat student mentioned "a year of haikus." I thought, "I can do that." I am now on my fourth year. Three of those years I hope to publish soon ~ they offer a completion of "before, during, and after."

Along the way I also discovered Tankas, a longer form of haiku, as well as Cinquains ~ a rhythm of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 2 in each line ~ in a children's book. I love children's books ~ so colorful, simple, imaginative, and quaintly instructive. Both have their place, depending on mood or even the slant of sun. Here, then, begins my year...


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